Date of last update: May 5, 2018

Criminal offenses covered by Criminal Law are defined either in Womania Empire Legal Norms, or continuously at the time of issuing the Court Verdict in which the conduct or deed was declared as criminal, and subsequently this new offense was described and defined by Womania Judge or by Authorized Court Lady-Officer.
Such defined criminal offense is subsequently included in this official List of Crimes and serves as a precedent for the future.
If a similar crime is committed in the future which corresponds to an already defined criminal offense, it will be labelled accordingly.
The Crime List does not contain classic economic, violent or other crimes (theft, fraud, etc.) that are criminal in every society anywhere in the world. Offenders who committed one of these classic criminal offenses in a territory under Womania Empire’s legislation can count with only one judgment - an immediate and lifelong ban from any part of the Womania Empire.
Anyone who deliberately commits an insult to Her Majesty, the Empress of Womania Empire, by insulting or disgracing Her in any form, must be punished for committing a particularly serious crime.
Anyone, who in any form defames the Imperial Symbols described in § 5 of the Womania Empire Deed of the Foundation or intentionally allows another person to defame these symbols must be punished for committing a particularly serious crime.
Anyone who violates or defames any of the Basic Principles described in §1 of Womania Empire Deed of Foundation, or allows another person to do so must be punished for committing a particularly serious crime.
Anyone who in any form ignores, questions or doubts the superior status of Women over men, or deliberately allows another person to do so, must be punished for committing a particularly serious crime.
The crime of violence against the Woman is committed by every male, which will physically harm the Woman without Her consent.
Anyone who fails to pay a full statutory tax or fee, even if granted a respite, must be punished for committing a particularly serious crime.
Anyone who is disrespectful to the Womania Empire Office or to a Female Person who represents or acts on behalf of the Office commits a crime of disrespectfulness to the Imperial Authority.
As disrespectful behavior is understood in particular the deliberate disregard of the text in written correspondence, the unreasonable length of time in waiting with a required response, the unjustified termination of a correspondence, e-mail or other contact, or the complete disregard of a request for reply.
In personal contact with the Imperial Authority, the crime of disrespectfulness can be committed by any kind of delay, failure to greet properly, inappropriate clothing, inappropriate language, rude words, failure to answer, termination of an interview without permission and possible further manifestations of obvious disrespect.
The crime of Cowardice against Women is committed by a person who for any reason avoids a personal encounter with a Woman or with several Women, or who avoids visiting a place where he can meet with these persons, or who rejects an invitation for a meeting with them without serious reason.
This crime is committed only if the Woman or Women concerned has/have an interest to meet the offender in person or invite him to visit a certain place for a purpose of meeting.
The crime of Cowardice against Women can also be committed by a person who deliberately denies his presence in front of a Woman or Women by hiding himself or by intentionally covering himself with another identity.
The crime of HARMING THE PRODUCER’S RIGHTS is committed by every person who downloads - or watches it by streaming - any filming or image material placed on any web site without the producer's explicit consent. These are, in particular, pirate sites or web sites that allow free uploading and subsequent viewing of videos or images protected by copyright.
A person also commits the same crime if She/he uploads filming or image material to any web site without the producer’s knowledge, or if She/he gives access to other persons to watch or view such material without paying the producer.
Womania Empire state slave or a Private slave registered in the Imperial Registry of slaves must be punished for committing a crime if he provides services or gifts in any form to other persons without the prior consent of his Lady-Owner.
An exception is possible when providing a one-time service to a Woman in a situation that requires this and if the slave informs his Lady- Owner of this fact immediately.
Anyone, who deliberately avoids complying an obligation imposed on him by the Office, the Court of other instance or any other Authority or authorized Official of the Womania Empire must be punished for committing a crime.
Anyone who approves, tolerates, promotes or allows degradation of Women in any form by any male, must be punished for committing a crime.
Any male person who in any way harasses a Woman, particularly after called upon to terminate such activity, must be punished for committing a crime.
Anyone who does not satisfy a Woman's sexual desire according to Her wish, must be punished for committing a crime.
Authorized Women are:
* Slave Lady-Owner
* A Woman to whom the slave was designated by his Lady-Owner
* A Woman for every male person who is not a property of any other Woman
If a Womania Empire Citizen not owned by a Woman, or a State slave of Womania Empire commits masturbation and / or ejaculation without prior written permission issued by Womania Empire, he must be punished for committing an offense.
A man who does not offer or not provide help or relief to a Woman who’s in need of it or would welcome it, especially if such support is in his powers and does not break any legal norm, must be punished for committing an offense.
A male person who behaves disrespectfully in personal, written, or other contact with a Woman must be punished for committing an offense.