(Current version valid from June 23, 2017)

General provision
General provision
- This law defines basic terms and all legal features concerning the Womania Stones
- Regulations of this law involve all Womania Stones owners, including those, who are not member of Womania Empire, if it is not stated otherwise
Womania Stone
Womania Stone
- Womania Stone (hereinafter WS) is a virtual value unit issued by the Womania Empire
- Number and nominal value of WS is stated in §4, letter a) of this law
- Owner of WS can be any adult person or legal entity (a company)
- Ownership of at least one WS entitles its owner to apply for the Womania Empire citizenship if the applicant is physical person
- Ownership of WS entitles its owner to use rights and other benefits, stated in the legal norms or in other Womania Empire regulations
- Number of owned WS is unlimited
- WS is issued in electronic virtual form and every WS has unique identification number and emission number, under which it is recoreded in Registrer of Womania Stones (hereinafter RWS for Register of Womania Stones) in Womania Empire
- The WS transferee becomes its owner including all rights associated with the ownership in the moment of recording the WS on his account in RWS
- The WS ownership does not give any rights to the owner to share the profit of the business company that runs the Womania Empire project
- The WS ownership is not associated with any guaranteed or estimated shares from profit, dividends, interests or other financial of material profits, if it is not stated otherwise
- The WS ownership does not give to its owner right to participate in decisions made by general meeting or other authority of the business company that runs the Womania Empire
- WS sale does not oblige the seller to redeem or to buy the WS back from the buyer
Womania Stone purchase
Womania Stone purchase
- WS can purchase any adult physical person or a company, who have created account in RWS
- The purchase can be realised directly from Womania Empire or from any other owner
- Purchase of WS for a third person must be made directly from Womania Empire
Womania Stone sale
Womania Stone sale
- WS owner can sell WS to any physical person or to company, who meets conditions in §2, letter a) of this law
- Every WS sale must be recorded in RWS through appropriate form on the official web sites of Womania Empire
- WS owner who has a status of registered slave is obliged to offer WS for sale with priority to his Lady Owner but maximally for half of its nominal value.
- If the Lady owner does not accept the offer within 10 days, the slave can sell the WS to a third person for any price.
- Other features concerning conditional WS sale and using benefits and rights associated with the WS slave are regulated by appropriate regulations stated in Law on Slavery
- Financial profit from WS sale taxes each person alone according to tax laws of vanilla state, in which jurisdiction She/he belongs
Womania Stone free tranfer
Womania Stone free tranfer
- WS owner can freely transfer WS to any physical person or to company, who meets conditions in §2, letter a) of this law
- Every WS free transfer must be recorded in RWS through appropriate form at the official web sites of Womania Empire
- WS owner who has a status of registered slave can freely transfer the WS to a third person only with his Lady Owner approval
- Approval of the Lady Owner is not necessary in case that the transfer is in favor of the Empress or Womania Empire
Fees for Womania Stone transfer
Fees for Womania Stone transfer
- Fees for WS transfer record into the RWS are stated by current RWS fees price list
- The fee is covered by the transfering person
- The fee is due in the moment of transfering the WS through a form at official web sites of Womania Empire
Rights and benefits assosiated with Womania Stone ownership
Rights and benefits assosiated with Womania Stone ownership
- Ownership of at least one WS purchased directly from the Womania Empire from their official web sites entitles the owner to apply for Womania Empire citizenship under the conditions specified in the Law on Citizenship
- With every WS is associated a voting right. One WS represents one vote. During a voting, the WS owner has as many votes, as many WS has currently in Her/his ownership at the moment of voting
- WS purchased directly from the Womania Empire entitles the Lady Citizens to apply for for a noble status or to be promoted in the noble rank hierarchy in accordance with regulations stated in Law on Imperial Nobility
- WS purchased directly from the Womania Empire entitles every adult Woman to apply for granting a Womania Empire Honourable Citizenship and / or an honourable noble title in accordance with appropriate regulations stated in Law on Imperial Nobility
- Ownership of certain number of WS entitles the Lady Citizen to execute a state function in Womania Empire in accordance with appropriate regulations stated in Law on State Functions and in related regulations
- Ownership of certain number of WS entitles the Upper Noble Lady Citizen to request an allocation of self-governing territory in accordance with related regulations stated in the Law on Trusted Territories
- Ownership of certain number of WS entitles the male citizen to apply for admission to the Knight's Order of Womania (hereinafter KOW) or to be promoted in the KOW hierarchy
- WS owners, based on the number of WS they have in their ownership, will be prioritized on waiting list for accomodation in Womania Empire, when purchasing tickets to potential events held in Womania Empire, when purchasing limited goods, when dealing with official requests, lawsuits, etc. exactly regulated by related laws and regulations valid within the Womania Empire
- Number of WS in the Lady Citizen's ownership is one of the criteria for calculating the share of collected taxes to be distributed among the Womania Empire Lady Citizens in accordance with related law norms
Number and nominal value of Womania Stones
Number and nominal value of Womania Stones
- WS are issued in a limited number of one hundred thousand registered pieces and this number cannot be extended
- WS are emitted in 20 emissions with already set nominal value. Nominal value of WS in every emission is specified in the table no.1, which is attached to this law
- The sale of WS from the Womania Empire is realised ascendingly from emission no. I., IS 000001 until the emission no. XX, IS 100000
- Stated nominal value of WS includes value added tax according to law regulations in accordance to tax law of related vanilla state
- The time of WS sale is unlimited
- The sale in this case is understood the WS sale directly from Womania Empire official web sites
Register of Womania Stones
Register of Womania Stones
- All sold WS are registered to the name of their current owner
- Anonymous WS ownership is not allowed
- Register of WS owners, as well as information about acquisitions and disposals of WS ownership is done within Womania Empire, section Register of Womania Stones (RWS)
- All information specified in §9 of this law are subject to anonymity under the Law on Anonymity and Privacy Protection
- WS membership record to the RWS is decisive when applying rights and benefits related to WS
- The change of WS owner in case of sale or donation outside the official Womania Stones Market (WSM) will be performed by the RWS upon a notification which must be made by seller or donator throught the relevant online form on the RWS websites
- Record of a new owner in case of WS purchase directly from Womania Empire or other person at WSM, will be changed by RWS automaticaly in the moment of the sale
- All other features concerning the WS register are specified at the official RWS web sites
Womania Stone owner account in Register of Womania Stones
Womania Stone owner account in Register of Womania Stones
- Every candidate who is interested in the WS purchase must create an account directly at the official Womania Empire web sites - section RWS
- Creating and maintenance of the account is free
- On the WS owner's account are recorded following data:
- basic personal and contact information about the account owner
- current number of WS in Her/his ownership
- WS transfer reservation
- information about voting right associated with to WS
- history of purchases, sales and free transfers of WS
- other records concerning the WS ownership - All information recorded in RWS serves just for internal needs of Womania Empire and are subject to protect the anonymity according to Law on Anonymity and Privacy Protection
- Access to WS owner account on secured web sites is not public and is allowed to the account owner only by username and password, which is defined by the owner when creating the account
Womania Stone owner's account statement from RWS
Womania Stone owner's account statement from RWS
- The WS owner can request any time and for free for an account statement through a form on internet RWS web sites, which is sent in electronic form (by email) even to third persons
- The WS owner can request through a relevant form on RWS internet web sites for the statement in letter form to his postal address. This letter statement is charged according to the price list of RWS.
Womania Stone blocking on account in the RWS
Womania Stone blocking on account in the RWS
- If the account owner does not meet Her/his tax or other financial duties against the Womania Empire on time, the owner will be disabled from manipulating with WS on Her/his account until the time of covering all debts or until the Womania Empire court sentence - which cancels the WS blocking or orders to pay the debt by transfering the WS in favor of Womania Empire
- WS owner account blocking can be directed upon the Womania Empire law sentence if the account owner was sentenced to a financial penalty until the time of covering this financial penalty
- Regulations stated in paragraphs a) and b) could be applied to Womania Empire citizens and registered slaves only
- Objections against the account blocking can owner apply at the relevant Womania Empire court
- Sending an objection to a court has not suspensive effect to the account blocking
Womania Stones priority sale
Womania Stones priority sale
- Until the official web sites are launched, Womania Empire can realize the WS sale for lower price then their nominal price set by law. The price will be announced in Womania Empire information materials
- All law features concerning the WS owners' register into the Register of Womania Stones will be done additionally after the official Womania Empire web sites are launched
- The WS owners who bought WS in a period according to a) have preferable right to sell WS in their ownership for a nominal price through Womania Empire All features related to this priority sale will be stated on the Womania Empire web sites and every WS owner will be notified about this opportunity by email.
Final provisions
Final provisions
- This law becomes valid on the day of signing by the Empress of Womania Empire
- This law takes effect on the date of publicaton on the official internet web sites of the Womania Empire
Empress of Womania Empire
Table no. 1 by §8, letter b) Law on Womania Stones
Emission number | Numbers of WS in emission | Nominal value (US dollars) – including VAT |
I. | 000001 – 005000 | 250,- |
II. | 005001 – 010000 | 292,- |
III. | 010001 – 015000 | 333,- |
IV. | 015001 – 020000 | 375,- |
V. | 020001 – 025000 | 417,- |
VI. | 025001 – 030000 | 458,- |
VII. | 030001 – 035000 | 500,- |
VIII. | 035001 – 040000 | 542,- |
IX. | 040001 – 045000 | 583,- |
X. | 045001 – 050000 | 625,- |
XI. | 050001 – 055000 | 646,- |
XII. | 055001 – 060000 | 667,- |
XIII. | 060001 – 065000 | 688,- |
XIV. | 065001 – 070000 | 708,- |
XV. | 070001 – 075000 | 729,- |
XVI. | 075001 – 080000 | 750,- |
XVII. | 080001 – 085000 | 771,- |
XVIII. | 085001 – 090000 | 792,- |
XIX. | 090001 – 095000 | 813,- |
XX. | 095001 – 100000 | 833,- |