(Current version valid from June 23, 2017)

General provision
General provision
This Law determines all the requirements relating to the nationality of persons and legal subjects to the Womania Empire (hereafter W.E.)
Basic terms
Basic terms
- For the purposes of this Law, "nationality" means the relationship between Womania Empire and the concerned person, who under this Law, became a National of W.E. :
• Citizen
• Honorable Lady-Citizen
• Member
• State slave
• Private slave registered in the Imperial Registry of Slaves - “Citizen” means a Female or male person, who after the purchase at least one Womania Stone, and upon the request for Citizenship, has been granted the Citizenship from the Empress of the Womania Empire
- “Honorable Lady-Citizen” is a Woman who has been honored by the Empress and has accepted this honorable citizenship title
- "Member" means a legal subject, who after the purchase of at least one Womania Stone, and sending the request for Membership was granted the Membership by the Empress of the W.E.
- “State slave” means a person who owns at least one Womania Stone and who at his own request, has been registered into the Imperial Registry of Slaves as a state slave owned by the Empress of Womania Empire
- “Private registered slave”, for the purpose of this Law, means a person who owns at least one Womania Stone, who has agreed to be registered into the Imperial Registry of Slaves as a private property upon a Lady-Citizen request
- Jurisdiction of the W.E. is meant a collection of all valid Legal Norms of Womania Empire
- Womania Stone is defined in the Law on Womania Stones
- Womanian is a person with a status according to § 2, article b, c, d, e, f of this Law
Womania Empire Citizenship
Terms for granting the Citizenship
Terms for granting the Citizenship
The Womania Empire Citizenship can be granted to any person of any gender, nationality, race or religion, who fulfill these conditions:
- is adult
- owns at least one Womania Stone
- is not registered as a slave in the Imperial Registry of Slaves
Application for Citizenship
Application for Citizenship
- A person fulfilling the conditions under § 3 of this Law may submit a Citizenship application to the Empress' Office by sending a relevant online form placed on the official W.E. website
- The application may also be delivered by standard post. It must contain all information and declarations as in the online form and must bear the date and handwritten signature of the applicant.
- If the application is incomplete or the Empress' Office needs additional information or further verification of the facts stated in the application, the applicant will be informed by e-mail or by standard letter if the email address is not known
- Complete application of the eligible applicant is handed over to the Empress of Womania Empire
Granting the Citizenship
Granting the Citizenship
- Womania Empire Citizenship is granted to the applicants by the Empress
- There is no legal claim to be granted the Citizenship and the Empress has the right to reject Citizenship without giving any reason
- The Empress is not bound by any time limit to grant or reject the Citizenship application
- The applicant is informed by e-mail or by a standard letter (if email address is not known) whether the Citizenship was granted or rejected
- Legal effects of the Womania Empire Citizenship will arise at the moment of publication the new Citizen in the Imperial Registry of Womania Citizens according to the relevant provisions in the Law on Imperial Registers
Citizenship termination
Citizenship termination
- The Womania Empire Citizenship is terminated in these cases:
a1 – Citizen fails to own at least one Womania Stone
a2 – Citizen give up the Citizenship in written form
a3 – Citizen is registered as a slave into the Imperial Registry of Slaves
a4 – Citizen is deprived of the Citizenship based on the Empress' decision - Factual and legal effects of the Citizenship termination occur at the moment of recording this fact in the Imperial Registry of Womania Citizens and the removal of the concerned person from the list of valid citizenship
Womania Empire Membership
Terms for granting the Membership
Terms for granting the Membership
The Womania Empire Membership may be applied by any legal subject or its part, which fulfill these following conditions:
- The applicant is not a physical person
- Own at least one Womania Stone
- Its business or other activity does not violate the Basic Principles of Womania Empire
Application for granting the Membership
Application for granting the Membership
- Subject which fulfills conditions under §7 of this Law can submit application for granting the Membership to the Empress' Office by sending a relevant online form placed on the official website of Womania Empire
- The application may also be delivered by standard post. It must contain all information and declarations as in the online form and must bear the date and handwritten signature of the authorized person representing the applicant.
- If the application is incomplete or the Empress' Office needs additional information or further verification of the facts stated in the application, the applicant will be informed by e-mail or by standard letter if the email address is not known
- Complete application of the eligible applicant is handed over to the Empress of Womania Empire
Granting the Membership
Granting the Membership
- Womania Empire Membership is granted to the applicants by the Empress
- There is no legal claim to be granted the Membership and the Empress has the right to reject Membership without giving any reason
- The Empress is not bound by any time limit to grant or reject the Membership application
- The applicant is informed by e-mail or by a standard letter (if email address is not known) whether the Membership was granted or rejected
- Legal effects of the Womania Empire Membership will arise at the moment of publication the new Member in the Imperial Registry of Womania Members according to the relevant provisions in the Law on Imperial Registers
Membership termination
Membership termination
- The Womania Empire Membership is terminated in these cases:
a1 - Member fails to own at least one Womania Stone
a2 - Member give up the Membership in written form
a3 – Member is deprived of the Membership based on the Empress' decision - Factual and legal effects of the Membership termination occur at the moment of recording this fact in the Imperial Registry of Womania Members and the removal of the concerned subject from the list of valid memberships
Womania Empire state slave
- State slave of Womania Empire may become any free adult person, who owns at least one Womania Stone, based on his voluntary decision
- A State slave is a Womanian in the Empress' ownership
- All other features concerning the W.E. State slaves is described in the Law on Slavery and in other legal standards of Womania Empire
Private registered slave of Womania Empire Lady-Citizen
- Private Registered slave may become any person who owns at least one Womania Stone who voluntarily agrees with his registration by his Lady-Owner in the Imperial Registry of Slaves
- Private slave who is registered by his Lady-Owner (Womania Empire Lady-Citizen) in the Imperial Registry of Slaves is a Womanian, private property owned by his Lady-Owner
- All other features concerning W.E. Private Registered slaves contains Law on Slavery and other legal standards of Womania Empire
Basic rights of Womanias
Basic rights of Womanias
Every Womnian has right to:
- Act externally to third parties as a National of the Womania Empire and use Her/ his title according to Her / his status within the Womania Empire without any restrictions
- To participate actively in the activities and development of the W.E.
- Apply for state functions depending on Her / his status within the W.E.
- Draw and use all the perks and benefits intended to the Womanians
- Be preferred in dealing with requirements, reservations or orders than persons without Womanian status
- Use media promotion of Her / his person and services provided by the Womania Empire on websites, social networks, or in other ways
- Be preferably informed about all events in the Womania Empire
- Use all other rights and preferences which result from other W.E. Legal Standards, from current W.E. offers or from other Womanians
Basic duties of Womanians
Basic duties of Womanians
Every Womanian no matter the status, must follow for the duration of Her / his Womania Empire nationality these basic obligations:
- Follow the Basic Principles of the W.E. as they are described in the Womania Empire Deed of Foundation and any other Legal Norms of Womania Empire
- Fulfill financial, tax or administrative obligations towards the Womania Empire, or to other authorized subjects as required by other Legal Norms or current regulations
- Actively monitor events in Womania Empire on the official W.E. website or at least by subscribing to an email newsletter of the W.E.
Honorable Citizenship
Honorable Citizenship
- Honorable Citizenship may be granted to any adult Woman by the Empress
- If the person accepts the Honorable Citizenship, then becomes a Womanian
- Honorable Lady-Citizen may use all the rights described in §13 of this Law
- Honorable Lady-Citizen is not obliged to follow the obligations described in § 14 of this Law, except for following the Basic Principles of the W.E.
- Honorable Citizenship may be canceled any time by the Empress
Final Provisions
Final Provisions
- This Law becomes valid by the date of signature by the Empress of Womania Empire
- This law becomes effective by the day of publication on the official website of Womania Empire
Empress of Womania Empire