(Current version valid from June 23, 2017)

§1 Basic provision
- This Act governs all matters relating to the form, content and purpose of the Imperial Registers of Womania Empire (hereafter W.E.)
- This law sets out the method of handling data in the Imperial Registers W.E. and regulates any further requirements regarding the Imperial Registry W.E.
§2 Basic concepts
- The Imperial Registry W.E. is for the purposes of this Act meant as a listing of written and virtual documents containing information about the Members of W.E. (Womanians), administered, updated and published by the Office of the Empress of W.E.
- Member of W.E. is every person according to §3 of The Law on the Womania Empire Legal Standards.
§3 Purpose of the Imperial Registers
- The purpose of the Imperial Registry is to register all the Womanians, including the information regarding the establishment of their status within the W.E. and allow anyone authorized to identify or verify that data.
- The Imperial Registry will be upon request issued to the authorized person or entity the documentary evidence of his current State within the W.E. according to § 9 of this Act.
- The information given in the Imperial Register is only decisive wherever it is necessary to state, verify or prove facts concerning the status of the person or entity within the W.E.
- If, for any reason, there is a difference or doubt about any data in the Imperial Register, the information given in the document (written) of the relevant Registry is always valid. Data in virtual form on the official websites of W.E. are of informational value only and cannot be used as evidence in court proceedings.
§4 Types of Imperial Registers
Imperial Registries W.E. are divided according to the group of Womanians who are registered in them.
The Empire Office manages, updates and publishes the data in these Registers
§5 Content of the Imperial Registers
- Each Imperial Registry contains basic data about the registered Womanians such as Womania Title, Womania Name and date of acquisition of the relevant status within W.E.
- In case of Lady-Citizens of W.E. Womania Titles and Names of their private slaves are also listed if they are registered with the Imperial Registry of Private Slaves.
- In case of slaves who are registered in the Imperial Registry of Private Slaves there is also included the Womania Title and Name of their Owner.
- In the Registry of Imperial Nobility, there is shown an image of NobleWoman’s coat of arms at her request, if any, is owned or used by Her. In the event of a dispute over the same form of coat of arms, the Registry shall publish the coat of arms of the Noblewoman of W.E., who requested it first in the Register.
- Every person or entity registered in the Imperial Registry may give consent to the disclosure of their contact details, links to their profiles on social networks or to their website. If such consent is not given, or subsequently revoked, the information will not be disclosed.
§6 Form of the Imperial Registers
- Each Imperial Registry is kept in a paper form (book) and at the official websites of W.E.
- Entries made to the document (books) of the relevant Registry are numbered, written according to the time sequence and must not be additionally removed or edited.
- The written form (book) of each Imperial Registry is kept in public inaccessible place in the Office of the Empress, or in another safe place ordered by the Headmistress of Empress' Office.
- Insight into the written form is possible only based on an authorization issued by the Empress or at the official request of Imperial Lady-Judge.
§7 Performing the entry or deletion in the Imperial Register
- The registration of a new person or entity in the Imperial Register, or the modification of an existing record, shall be carried out and published by an authorized person at the Office of the Empress immediately after the decision to add a record or modify an existing one.
- Each new entry or change in the Imperial Registry is announced to the person or entity that it is about. Either by e-mail or mail on a personal page within the W.E.
- Each new public entry to the Imperial Registry or change in the public record is simultaneously announced in the Womania News section on the official websites of W.E.
§8 Privacy Policy
- Records removed from the Imperial Register for any reason and out-of-date records that are no longer published shall continue to be archived in the appropriate Imperial Registry in paper form for an indefinite period of time.
- All non-public data and records in the Imperial Registers are subject to privacy protection in accordance with the relevant provisions of The Law on Privacy Protection.
§9 Written document from the Imperial Register
- Any person or entity registered in the Imperial Registry may request the Empress Office to issue a documentary statement of hers/his current status within the W.E.
- The document shall bear an official stamp of W.E. And signed by Headmistress of Empress Office.
- The document shall be sent to the authorized applicant by electronic mail or by post, whichever form the applicant chooses in his application.
- The production and sending of the document from the Imperial Registry is charged according to the current price list of W.E.
§10 Other provisions
- Complaints about data errors or alerts for missing data in the Records of the Imperial Registry can be sent by anyone to the official email address of W.E. provided on its websites.
- The missing or faulted record will be completed or corrected as soon as possible.
§11 Final provisions
- This Act shall be validated on the date of signature by the Empress of W.E.
- This Act shall gain effectiveness on the day of its publication on the official website of W.E.
Empress of Womania Empire