(Current version valid from June 23, 2017)

Womania Empire (hereinafter W.E.) respects the right of free Women to acquire, own, use, punish and sell or donate slaves of any gender.
W.E. respects the right of any adult person to surrender freely his/her personal rights and become a slave in ownership of a Lady Owner – with option to abolish this status anytime in accordance with predetermined conditions.
Basic provisions
Basic provisions
- A slave for purpose of this Law is understood a person registered in the Imperial Registry of slaves of W.E. in the meaning of relevant provisions of The Law on the Imperial Registers
- The Lady Owner of a slave is Lady-Citizen of W.E., who registers this slave as Her ownership in the Imperial Registry of Slaves, state slaves are owned by the Empress of W.E.
- Lady Citizen for the purpose of this Law is understood a person of Female gender with status of Lady-Citizen of Womania Empire
Basic conditions of slavery
Basic conditions of slavery
Womania Empire allow slave ownership when following these basic conditions:
- Lady Owner of a Private registered slave can be a Lady-Citizen of the W.E. only
- Lady Owner of W.E. state slaves is the Empress of W.E.
- A slave can become an adult person of any gender, who own at least one Womania Stone, based on their voluntary consent
- A slave can abolish his/Her slavery in accordance with predetermined conditions
- A slave has a status of Womanian for the entrire slavery period and is under the jurisdiction of the W.E.
- A slave is obliged to obey and execute any order of his Lady Owner, except for orders that will cause harm or any other damage to the W.E. or to a W.E. Lady-Citizen
Slavery establishment of a state slave
Slavery establishment of a state slave
- For the post of Womania Empire state slave can apply any free adult person who owns at least one Womania Stone by sending the appropriate online form placed on the official W.E. websites
- After completion of the registration into the Imperial Registry of Slaves and receipt of confirmation of this registration, the applicant becomes a state slave in the ownership of the Empress
- State slavery will also arise in case the W.E. will acquire such slave into its ownership as a former private registered slave directly from his Lady Owner
- As soon as possible after the establishment of the slate slavery, this fact will be recorded in the Imperial Registry of slaves and on the personal site of the slave on the W.E. website
Registration fee for the Imperial Registry record as a state slave
Registration fee for the Imperial Registry record as a state slave
- Every state slave is obliged to cover an annual fee to W.E. for his record in the Imperial Registry of Slaves
- This registration fee in the Register replaces other state slaves' tax obligations against the W.E. that would result from his status as a Womanian
- The fee is due once a year for the year in advance, but no later than the December 31st
- In the first year of slavery, the state slave will cover a proportionate fee of 1/12 for each month of slavery commenced, based on a request for payment received from W.E.
- Current fee is listed in the Official Price List of W.E.
- Covering the fee for registration record in the Imperial Registry of Slaves entitles the slave to enter the areas of W.E. and to use the website features reserved for Womanians only
- The non-payment of the fee within the specified period is considered as criminal offense
- Failure to pay the fee in additional post-payment period means removal of the slave from the Imperial Registry of Slaves and loss of his status of a state slave and Womanian
Slavery abolishment of a state slave
Slavery abolishment of a state slave
The state slavery can be abolished in the following ways:
- Deletion of the slave from the Imperial Registry of Slaves and loss of his status as a state slave and Womanian if he fails to pay the fee for the Imperial Register record
- Termination of slavery by the Empress in case of violation of the basic principles of W.E.
- Slave transfer to a private ownership of W.E. Lady-Citizen
- Termination of slavery based on a written request from the slave and after payment of the state slavery termination fee according to the Official Price List of W.E.
- Deleting a slave from the Imperial Registry of Slaves and loss of his status as a state slave and Womanian in case he fails to own at least one Womania Stone
Slavery establishment of a Private Registered slave
Slavery establishment of a Private Registered slave
- A Private registered slave (hereinafter PS) can become any free adult person who own at least one Womania Stone who voluntarily agrees with his registration by his Lady Owner into the Imperial Registry of Slaves
- After completing the registration into the Imperial Registry of Slaves and receipt of confirmation of this registration, the applicant becomes a private slave in the ownership of his Lady Owner who registered him
- PS will also become a former state slave who is transferred and newly registered as a Private slave of a Lady Owner
- As soon as possible after the PS registration, this fact will be recorded in the Imperial Registry of Slaves and on the personal sites of the Lady Owner and the concerned slave on the W.E. web
Registration fee in the Imperial Registry as Private Registered slave
Registration fee in the Imperial Registry as Private Registered slave
- Every PS is obliged to pay the W.E. an annual fee for his registration in the Imperial Registry of Slaves
- If the slave can not have his own funds, the fee is paid by his Lady Owner
- This registration fee in the Register replaces other tax obligations against W.E. from the PS, which would result from his status as a Womanian
- The fee is due once a year for the year in advance, but no later than the December 31st
- In the first year of slavery, the PS will cover a proportionate fee of 1/12 for each month of slavery commenced, based on a request for payment received from W.E.
- Current fee is listed in the Official price list of W.E.
- Covering the registration fee into the Imperial Registry of slaves entitles the PS to enter the areas of the W.E. and to use the site features reserved for Womanians only
- The non-payment of the fee within the specified period is considered as criminal offense
- Failure to pay the fee in additional post-payment period means removal of the PS from the Imperial Registry of Slaves and loss of his status of a PS and Womanian
Slavery abolishment of a Private Registered slave
Slavery abolishment of a Private Registered slave
The PS slavery can be abolished in the following ways:
- Deletion of the slave from the Imperial Registry of Slaves and loss of his status as a PS and Womanian if he fails to pay the fee for the record in the Register or violating the basic principles of W.E.
- Transfer of the slave to the Womania Empire ownership by his Lady Owner as a state slave
- Termination of slavery based on a written request from the PS Lady Owner delivered to the Empress’ Office, or optionally made online on the W.E. websites
- Deleting a slave from the Imperial Registry of Slaves and loss of his status as a Private slave and Womanian in case he fails to own at least one Womania Stone
- Deleting a slave from the Imperial Registry of Slaves and transferring his status to Womania Citizen or state slave in case his Lady Owner is no longer W.E. Lady Citizen
Rights and Obligations of the slave’s Lady Owner
Rights and Obligations of the slave’s Lady Owner
- Lady Owner of the slave (hereinafter Lady Owner) has right to:
- Treat Her slave as Her private property, use it for any legal activity, punish and reward it at Her will
- Sell, rent or donate the slave to another Lady-Citizen or directly to W.E.
- To entrust administration of ownership rights over a slave in whole or partially to another W.E. Lady-Citizen or directly to W.E.
- Restrict a slave when using a social network on W.E. websites
- Use voting rights associated with Womania Stones that are owned by the slave
- The Lady owner has right to claim all EPS points generated by the slave
- Make any contract or agreement with a slave, and in case of failure to comply with it, request its fulfillment at the W.E. Court. This potential contract or agreement with the slave must not violate any provisions contained in the W.E. Legal Norms
- The PS Lady Owner has the right to terminate slavery at any time without giving any reason
- The Lady Owner of the slave shall:
- Not use the slave for illegal activities
- Ensure proper payment of the registration fee at the Imperial Registry of Slaves
- Ensure that the slave does not cause harm or any other damage to a Lady-Citizen or W.E.
- Release the slave to W.E. authorities acting in the criminal proceedings for possible conviction, punishment and recovery of damage if the slave commits an offense or causes damage according to the §11 section b) of this Law
Slave rights
Slave rights
- The right to own, buy and sell Womania Stones with relevant restrictions according to the Law on Womania Stones
- The right to refuse providing a service to a male person unless this situation can not be resolved without the slave service
- The right to terminate his slavery in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law and following all conditions agreed with the Lady Owner
Slave obligations
Slave obligations
The slave has these basic responsibilities:
- Obey and comply with the regulations of the Lady Owner, except executing orders of illegal activity or activity that causes harm or damage to another Lady-Citizen or to the W.E.
- Take care of the prosperity, well-being and comfort of his Lady Owner if these activities do not cause damage to another Lady-Citizen or to the W.E.
- Ensure that his registration fee in the Imperial Registry of Slaves is paid in time
- Follow the Womania Empire's Basic Principles and Legal Norms always and everywhere
- Comply with all agreements, contracts, and arrangements made between him and his Lady Owner
Responsibility for caused damage
Responsibility for caused damage
- The Lady-Owner of the slave bears the material and criminal responsibility for the damage caused by the slave when executing Her order
- The Lady-Owner of the slave is not responsible for any material or criminal liability for damage or offense committed by the slave at his own will or by inaccurate fulfillment of Her orders
Use of the slave by other persons
Use of the slave by other persons
- Like any other private property, a strange slave can be used only with the consent of his Lady Owner
- Exceptions are slaves that are obviously intended for a public service, which as such enables them to be used by other persons
- Only Women can use slaves
- male persons can use slave services only if the situation requires and can not be resolved otherwise
- Every Woman has right to, if necessary and / or if the situation necessarily requires a punishment of a strange slave in public service. However, punishment must not leave long-lasting or permanent consequences and must not cause the slave's incapability to perform the ordered public service or the orders of its Lady Owner.
- Criminal offenses or crimes committed by a strange slave must be reported to his Lady Owner or to the slave's supervising Lady
Slave transfer to another Lady Owner
Slave transfer to another Lady Owner
- The Lady Owner of the slave is authorized to sell or donate him to another Lady-Citizen or to the W.E.
- Transfer of the slave to another Lady-Owner is legally valid only if the change of Lady Owner is registered in the Imperial Registry of Slaves
- The announcement of the slave transfer to another Lady Owner must be made in writing or through the online form on the Womania website
- The announcement of the change is made by the former Lady Owner in association with the new slave Lady Owner
- The new Lady Owner accepts the slave to Her property with all his obligations and responsibilities unless agreed otherwise in writing between the parties and a copy of this agreement is not sent to be archived in the Imperial Registry of Slaves
Unregistered slaves in the W.E. areas
Unregistered slaves in the W.E. areas
- Slaves that are not registered in the Imperial Registry of Slaves are not slaves in the meaning of the W.E. judicature
- Like any other persons in the W.E. areas, are required to follow the Basic Principles and Legal Norms of the W.E. In case of violation, they can be handed over to the competent authorities of the W.E. to possible conviction and punishment
- W.E. area for the purposes of this Law is a real or virtual territory owned or operated by Womania Empire
Regional Slaves of Womania Empire
Regional Slaves of Womania Empire
- The Regional Slave of Womania Empire (RS) is not a slave in the meaning of the § 1, section 1 of this Law unless he is simultaneously a State or Private slave registered in the Imperial Registry of Slaves
- Unregistered RS are, however, subject to the jurisdiction of the W.E. just like every Womanian
Final Provisions
Final Provisions
- Other specific and thematically distinctive features governing the status of the slave and his Lady Owner within the Womania Empire are contained in other W.E. Legal Norms
- This Law is valid from the date of signature by the Empress of the W.E.
- This Law takes effect on the day of its publication on the official website of the W.E.
Empress of Womania Empire