REGIONAL COURT EXECUTRIX OF WOMANIA EMPIRE is a Lady-Citizen appointed by the Empress to perform corporal punishments on convicts. Because under the jurisdiction of Womania Empire belong Womanians from all over the world, it is not possible to execute court judgments in one place (for example, at the OWK Castle). Every male convict has opportunity to choose the closest Regional Court Executrix to execute the punishment. Thanks to this fact the Empire can secure smooth execution of justice with certainty that the corporal punishment will be executed thoroughly.
Any Lady-Citizen of the Womania Empire can ask to be appointed to the function of Regional Court Executrix. The only condition is experience with corporal punishment execution, place for execution and ability to make a video recording of the execution.

approves applications of the Lady candidates who are interested in the function of Regional Court Executrix and decides any disputes between them. In Her competence is also punishment execution and responsibility of supervision over imprisoned convicts in the future W.E. headquarters. The Head Court Executrix of W.E. is appointed to Her function by the Empress for unlimited period and automatically becomes a member of the Imperial Council.