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Case no:
Slave clanger (+Slaveclanger)
Date: January 3, 2025 Authorized Court Lady-Officer:
Madame Gabrielle von Malendorf (+MadameGabrielle)
Case name: Self-Indictment of Slave clanger, USA-California
Your Majesty, I have been reading the laws of the WE in order to ensure I serve You and all Women to the best of my ability. For that reason I humbly submit my mandatory self-indictment. To the best of my knowledge the following is a full and complete list of offenses and crimes I have committed; I will continue to educate myself and self-report if any further crimes become known to me. 1) Unauthorized Masturbation - For several years I have watched and masturbated, without permission, to videos of adult star Robin Pachino; 2) Unauthorized Ejaculation - as per count 1, I ejaculated whilst watching the videos described in count 1; 3) Disrespect Against Women - in viewing the videos noted in counts 1 & 2, I put my own selfish needs first and therefore demonstrated disrespectful behavior within the meaning of criminal code; 4) Approval of the Degradation of Women - As noted in counts 1 through 3, I committed various offenses related to the viewing of the noted videos and in doing so I believe that I approved, tolerated, promoted, or allowed the degradation of Women, acts that are specifically criminalized under the laws of the Womania Empire; and, 5) Violation of the Basic Principle of Womania Empire - in that I took pleasure watching the videos noted in count 1, that such pleasure was for my own benefit and was done without first receiving permission to masturbate and ejaculate, and that such behavior rises to the level of failing to follow and realize the basic principle that Woman is superior to man in all aspects of life as set forth in Womania Empire Deed of Foundation, ยง1 Basic Principles. As I am new to Womania Empire and was previously unaware of the criminal nature of my past behavior, I humbly and respectfully request that the Court shows leniency. I have self-reported as required and I understand that I must suffer the consequences of my actions, but as this is my first time before the Court I ask for mercy.