Madame Gabrielle von Malendorf, Authorized Court Lady-Officer,
has decided in the Court Case no. RCR020 as follows:
In the name of WOMANIA EMPIRE,
the accused pig giommy ( +piggiommy ), Italy
is found
of serious crimes and offenses
1) I discovered the existence of OWK 18 years ago. Since then I have always tried to hide myself to avoid being judged and condemned unjustly just for being a man who enjoyed using the female body.
2) I never accepted submission to the female law despite feeling their superiority. So I stepped on the OWK flag several times, tarnishing Queen Patricia's reputation.
3) In 2004 to demonstrate male superiority I pretended to be a master submitting girls unaware of their superiority. I used them as slaves, chaining them, punishing them, whipping them, locking them in a cell.
4) In 2005 I met at a party, where everyone knew me as dominant, a dominant woman to whom I revealed my trap of pretending to be a dominant. She told me that a right name for me should be PIG, she had advised me to give up and undergo a trial in OWK to be condemned and thus begin to serve my slavery. After she told me that a proper period of imprisonment in the OWK prison would have been 20 days at least for all my crimes, I escaped without showing me again.
5) From 2005 to 2010 I always tried not to recognize my crimes against the female gender by abusing the trust of the girls who knew me, betraying them.
6) From 2011 to March 2018 having no more news about OWK or other places where I could have been convicted, I felt safe and returned to pretending to be a Master, knowing and submitting several girls unaware of their superiority. I forced one of these slaves to urinate on the flag of OWK.
7) March 2018: I lied to the woman that I believe to be the most important person in my life. Since then my world, my masks have collapsed and I realized that my time had come to be judged and locked up in the prison of OWK to serve and free myself from all my crimes.
8) July 2018: despite the public admission of my crimes I still do not consider the feminine superiority and the reign of legitimate OWK I acknowledge myself guilty by offering myself spontaneously to the female judgment in order to be punished and educated to understand the truth.
Aggravating circumstances:
The defendant is a state slave of Womania Empire.
In view of these circumstances, harder punishment should be applied than in other cases
with the same offense.
Court Verdict:
the convict is sentenced to:
- a financial punishment of 777 US$ payable to Womania Empire Castle Fund
- a corporal punishment of 66 strokes of the cane on bare ass
- a corporal punishment of 33 strokes of the cane on soles
- a corporal punishment of 111 strokes of the riding crop on bare ass
- a corporal punishment of 11 lashes of the leather whip on naked body
- 77 hours in dark prison cell in the OWK Castle underground prison with limited food
Further provisions of the verdict:
- The financial penalty is payable within 10 days after the effective date of this Judgment.
- The corporal punishment must be executed by September 17, 2018 by any Womania Empire Court Executrix and record with this punishment must be send to Womania Empire Authorized Court Lady Officer
- The convict has until September 3, 2018 the right to choose to pay a fine in the amount of 5 US$ per stroke instead of the corporal punishment
- The imprisonment must be completed until September 17, 2018
- The convict has until September 3, 2018 the right to choose to pay a fine in the amount of 25 US$ per hour instead of the imprisonment in dark cell
General provisions:
- There is no possibility to appeal against this Judgment
- The convict has the right to submit a request for mercy by the Empress in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Legal Standards of Womania Empire
August 24, 2018
Madame Gabrielle von Malendorf
Marquise of Womania Empire
Authorized Court Lady Officer

Case no: RCR0020 / SELF-INDICTMENT |
Defendant: pig giommy (+piggiommy) |
Date: August 4, 2018 | Authorized Court Lady-Officer: Madame Gabrielle von Malendorf (+MadameGabrielle) |
Case name: Self-Indictment of pig giommy, Italy | |
Self-indictment: 1) I discovered the existence of OWK 18 years ago. Since then I have always tried to hide myself to avoid being judged and condemned unjustly just for being a man who enjoyed using the female body. 2) I never accepted submission to the female law despite feeling their superiority. So I stepped on the OWK flag several times, tarnishing Queen Patricia's reputation. 3) In 2004 to demonstrate male superiority I pretended to be a master submitting girls unaware of their superiority. I used them as slaves, chaining them, punishing them, whipping them, locking them in a cell. 4) In 2005 I met at a party, where everyone knew me as dominant, a dominant woman to whom I revealed my trap of pretending to be a dominant. She told me that a right name for me should be PIG, she had advised me to give up and undergo a trial in OWK to be condemned and thus begin to serve my slavery. After she told me that a proper period of imprisonment in the OWK prison would have been 20 days at least for all my crimes, I escaped without showing me again. 5) From 2005 to 2010 I always tried not to recognize my crimes against the female gender by abusing the trust of the girls who knew me, betraying them. 6) From 2011 to March 2018 having no more news about OWK or other places where I could have been convicted, I felt safe and returned to pretending to be a Master, knowing and submitting several girls unaware of their superiority. I forced one of these slaves to urinate on the flag of OWK. 7) March 2018: I lied to the woman that I believe to be the most important person in my life. Since then my world, my masks have collapsed and I realized that my time had come to be judged and locked up in the prison of OWK to serve and free myself from all my crimes. 8) July 2018: despite the public admission of my crimes I still do not consider the feminine superiority and the reign of legitimate OWK I acknowledge myself guilty by offering myself spontaneously to the female judgment in order to be punished and educated to understand the truth. |