Name: slave jochen
Country: Germany - Baden-Württemberg
Town: Lörrach, Freiburg
Birth: 1956
Languages - very well: English, German, French
Languages - partially: Spanish

A/ Online services:
translations between languages:
English-German both ways, French to English or German
proofreading and corrections in language:
English, German
homework slave for Lady Students (specify subjects):
live science, medicine
other - describe:
Service as secretary, business and management assistant. can learn fast any kind of professional service, such as work out of ppt- presentations based on general instructions, developing complex project management plans,
B) Travelling - specific services for Ladies on travels:
I am usable for town / region / country (state): anywhere
Time options for service - specify days and hours: anytime and as long as required, need for roughly two weeks advanced planning if
As a servant/slave for:
my town / my region guide
my town / companion – accompaniment (club, restaurant, theatre, etc.)
luggage carrier, bell-boy
classic personal slave / maid
personal slave / holiday slave, travelling (more days)
If the Lady require my company during travelling (holiday) for more than 1 day, I am willing to cover my expences and accommodation costs etc.: Yes
C) Regional (local) services (mostly for Ladies who live in my region)
City / Region: Lörrach Freiburg, Basel, etc
Time options for service - specify days and hours: any time, just needs advance planning
- chauffeur
- waiter
- cleaning
- laundry
- ironing
- shoe cleaning
- gardener
- car washing
- walking the dog
- house guard
- painting
- masonry work
- plumbing work
- electrical work
- object for photographing / filming
- object for relaxation – BDSM
- massages
- manicure - pedicure
Other services:
Same services as indicated in online services, also in person.