Madame Gabrielle von Malendorf, Authorized Court Lady-Officer,
has decided in the Court Case no. RCR028 (January 13, 2019) as follows:
In the name of WOMANIA EMPIRE,
the accused slave P231 ( +slaveP231 ), France
is found
of crime
I have been sentenced by Womanian Court by verdict GvM 022/18 to 24 hours of hard works in shackles, 2 hours of public pillory and 50 strokes of cane on bare ass. As I could not travel to O.W.K. Castle, thanks to the intervention of Her Excellency Madame Gabrielle I could be in contact with Regional Court Executrix Lady SaintLawrence. I proposed various dated to Lady SaintLawrence. Further my proposal, the Regional Court Executrix, choose one of my dates. Only at that moment I checked the calendar and I had to postpone the date for personal reasons. I am aware of my negligence and offense against Lady SaintLawrence
Aggravating circumstances:
The convicted person is a state slave of Womania Empire
Mitigating circumstances:
The offender's behavior was unintentional, caused no major damage, and the self-indictment together with a Court Fee was sent without any delay. The convict showed sincere regret.
the convict is sentenced to:
- a financial punishment of 100 EUR payable to Womania Empire Castle Fund
- a corporal punishment of 6 strokes of the cane on his bare ass
Further provisions of the Court Verdict:
- The FINANCIAL PENALTY is payable within 10 days after the effective date of this Judgment (unless otherwise agreed)
- The CORPORAL PUNISHMENT must be executed until September 30, 2019 by Regional Court Executrix of Womania Empire
- Video or photo record with this punishment must be send to Womania Empire Authorized Court Lady Officer
- The sentenced person is obliged to pay the costs associated with the execution of his punishment directly to Court Executrix
- The convict has until February 3, 2019 the right to choose to pay a fine in the amount of 10 EUR per stroke instead of the corporal punishment.
General provisions:
- There is no possibility to appeal against this Judgment
- The convict has the right to submit a REQUEST FOR MERCY BY THE EMPRESS in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Legal Standards of Womania Empire
January 22, 2019
Madame Gabrielle von Malendorf
Baroness of Womania Empire
Authorized Court Lady Officer

Case no: RCR0028 / SELF-INDICTMENT |
Defendant: slave P231 (+slaveP231) |
Date: January 13, 2019 | Imperial Lady-Judge: Madame Gabrielle von Malendorf (+MadameGabrielle) |
Case name: Self-Indictment of slave P231, France | |
Self-indictment: I have been sentenced by Womanian Court by verdict GvM 022/18 to 24 hours of hard works in shackles, 2 hours of public pillory and 50 strokes of cane on bare ass. As I could not travel to O.W.K. Castle, thanks to the intervention of Her Excellency Madame Gabrielle I could be in contact with Regional Court Executrix Lady SaintLawrence. I proposed various dated to Lady SaintLawrence. Further my proposal, the Regional Court Executrix, choose one of my dates. Only at that moment I checked the calendar and I had to postpone the date for personal reasons. I am aware of my negligence and offense against Lady SaintLawrence |