Madame Gabrielle von Malendorf, Authorized Court Lady-Officer,
has decided in the Court Case no. RCR011 as follows:
In the name of WOMANIA EMPIRE,
the accused payslave mwhtp ( +payslavemwhtp ), UK
is found
of committing the serious crime of
Touching and having lewd fantasies about Womania Empire Lady-Citizen and respected Regional Court Executrix Mistress Courtney and making reference to Her within my ‘manwhohastopay’ adultwork profile statement, all without explicit or implicit permission either from Mistress Courtney or from any Womania Empire authority and without having made a payment to Mistress Courtney.
Court Verdict:
the convict is sentenced to:
- a financial punishment of 100 US$ payable to Womania Empire Castle Fund
- a corporal punishment of 75 whip lashes on naked body executed by Mistress Courtney, Court Executrix of Womania Empire
written apology for his bad behavior against Mistress Courtney, published on Twitter from his twitter account @manwhohastopay
This tweet must contain hyperlink to his sentence on www.womaniaempire.com and a tag @WomaniaEmpire and @MissCourtneyM
Further provisions of the verdict:
- The financial penalties are payable within 10 days after the effective date of this judgment.
- The corporal punishments must be executed by May 31, 2019 b
- Apology must be published on Twitter within 10 days after the effective date of this judgment
- The convict has until July 7, 2018 the right to choose to pay a fine in the amount of 4 US$ per stroke instead of the corporal punishment
General provisions:
- There is no possibility to appeal against this Judgment
- The convict has the right to submit a request for mercy by the Empress in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Legal Standards of Womania Empire
June 24, 2018
Madame Gabrielle von Malendorf
Marquise of Womania Empire
Authorized Court Lady Officer

Case no: RCR0011 / SELF-INDICTMENT |
Defendant: payslave mwhtp (+payslavemwhtp) |
Date: May 28, 2018 | Authorized Court Lady-Officer: Madame Gabrielle von Malendorf (+MadameGabrielle) |
Case name: Self-Indictment of payslave mwhtp, UK | |
Self-indictment: Touching and having lewd fantasies about Womania Empire Lady-Citizen and respected Regional Court Executrix Mistress Courtney and making reference to Her within my ‘manwhohastopay’ adultwork profile statement, all without explicit or implicit permission either from Mistress Courtney or from any Womania Empire authority and without having made a payment to Mistress Courtney. [EXPLANATORY NOTE: The text of this sucker's adultwork profile statement as it reads at the moment this self-indictment is laid is attached. It should, however, be noted, that the text of this profile statement is varied on an extremely frequent basis. Indeed, it is frequently blank and the reference to 'MissCourtney' could be varied or removed at any time. It obviously WOULD be removed if i was given any instruction to do so.] |