Madame Gabrielle, Authorized Court Lady-Officer,
has decided in the Court Case no. RCR002 as follows:
In the name of WOMANIA EMPIRE,
the accused fishboy15, USA ( +fishboy15fishboy15 )
is found
of committing the following offenses and crimes:
Repeated offense (4 years) of unauthorized masturbation
(self-indictment: I have obtained a penile erection without permission and masturbated without permission.These have both happened numerous times over the span of about 4 years.)
Verdict: the convict is sentenced to a financial punishment of 40 US$ for each year, 160 US$ total, and to a corporal punishment of 6 strokes with the leather whip, executed by a Regional Court Executrix of Womania Empire -
Crime of despondency in front of the State Authority
(self-indictment: I filled out an application for bondage under Her Majesty Queen Patricia I. of the OWK but did not complete the full bondage process.)
Verdict: the convict is sentenced to a financial punishment of 200 US$ and to a corporal punishment of 25 strokes with the judicial cane, executed by a Regional Court Executrix of Womania Empire
Further provisions of the verdict:
- The financial penalties are payable within 10 days after the effective date of this judgment.
- The corporal punishments must be executed until the end of the year 2017.
- The convict has the right to choose to pay a fine in the amount of 10 US$ per stroke instead of the corporal punishments.
General provisions:
- There is no possibility to appeal against this judgment.
- The convict has the right to submit a request for mercy in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Legal Standards of Womania Empire
July 10, 2017
Madame Gabrielle von Malendorf
Authorized Court Lady Officer of Womania Empire

Case no: RCR0002
Case no: RCR0002 |
Defendant: fishboy15 +fishboy15fishboy15 |
Date: July 3, 2017 | Authorised Court Lady-Officer: Madame Gabrielle +MadameGabrielle |
Case name: Self-indictment of fishboy15 (USA) | |
Self-indictment of July 1, 2017: I have obtained a penile erection without permission and masturbated without permission. These have both happened numerous times over the span of about 4 years. I filled out an application for bondage under Her Majesty Queen Patricia I. of the OWK but did not complete the full bondage process. |