Summary of the Womania Empire state slaves obligations,
set by Her Majesty Patricia I, Empress of the Womania Empire
(latest update: August 22, 2023)
The Womania Empire state slave is property of the Empress and as such is obliged to observe and comply not only with the provisions of all Imperial Law Standards, but also follow basic rules and obligations set by his Lady-Owner:
1) Pay in time and at the maximum amount all Taxes and Fees listed in the Tax Law
2) The state slave is obliged to support the Womania Empire priority goal - the acquisition of its own Castle! For this reason, he must send his Commitment to support the Womania Empire Castle Fund ( and then pay properly and in time a contribution for the future Womania Castle. The amount of the contribution is not set, much more important is that the state slave participate actively in the Womania Empire development.
3) Must not serve to another Lady as a slave without prior permission from the Empress. The service is ment not only providing a specific service in real, but also the payments of financial or material gifts.
4) Must not masturbate or ejaculate (cum) without Permission. He must apply for this Permission by email at the Empire Office ( Issuance of such Permit is charged according to the current pricelist.
5) If the state slave has an X (Twitter) social account, his profile (bio) must contain information that he is a state slave of the @WomaniaEmpire and must like & repost all Womania Empire & OWK tweets (posted from the account: @WomaniaEmpire and @OWKreal )
6) If the state slave has a social networking registration, his profile must contain information that he is a state slave of Womania Empire -
7) Each state slave is required to send at least once a month via email to a report
on how he has been helpful to Women in general and the Womania Empire in the past period.
Violation of the rules and regulations mentioned above will be considered as a criminal offense!
Her Majesty
Empress of Womania Empire